Location: Fisiocosmetica srl – Via del Chiesino 44, Pontedera (PI) Instructor: Emanuele d’Arrigo
“A burning enthusiasm, sustained by common sense and perseverance, is the quality that most often leads to success.” Dale Carnegie
Dale Carnegie, whom I often quote as a consultant who inspired entire generations, leaving a profound cultural legacy, used to say: “There are only four and only four ways in which we contact the world, and each of us is judged and classified based on these four factors: what we do, how we present ourselves to others, what we say, and how we say it.”
To attend marketing, organizations, and sales courses
Gain greater awareness of the business actions we take daily
Analyze what we choose to show or not show to customers, influencing their focus on certain aspects
Learn to communicate effectively using the communication techniques presented in the courses
Learn to understand and enhance non-verbal and body language communication
Train the mind to create positive, achievable, and therefore planable business thoughts
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